- NatSays
2003 Jan 12
"Meet the characters: Mom is French. She lives to make people happy. Dad is Japanese. He helps people live meaningfully. Nat, she sees things through simple eyes, and has something to say. ... A lot of people don't always fit in. hey suffer. And since they are an exraordinary bunch, they deserve a little penguin story."
- The Gods Laughed
2002 Nov 12
"Few books have examined issues of race, age and other 'isms' as closely and from such a personal viewpoint as The Gods Laughed. Monica is a lovely and brilliant young black woman from Philadelphia, just starting out in a new career and ready to take on the world. Paul, a white man forty years her senior, has just retired after a lifetime as a hardnosed New York newspaper editor. This unlikely pair find themselves to be the only two survivors of a terrible plane crash, and stranded on a remote island. Monica and Paul are forced to come together in order to survive.
- Mixed Race Magazine
2002 Feb 14
"This magazine was created to provide assistance and insight for interracial couples. The increasingly-popular Balance Everything is specifically targeted at issues facing interracial couples."
- Citizens Against Racism and Fascism
2001 Dec 31
"... is Britain's only independent anti-racist magazine, documenting resistance against racism -- from black and refugee organisations, monitoring groups, anti-deportation campaigns, football fans, and much more. The articles available on this website are just a small sample of what's in the CARF magazine, which is published bimonthly in the UK."
- Standards: The International Journal of Multicultural Studies
1999 Oct 29
- Interracial Voice
1999 May 27
"... is published every other month as an independent, information-oriented, networking newsjournal, serving the mixed-race/interracial community in cyberspace. This electronic publication advocates universal recognition of mixed-race individuals as constituting a separate 'racial' entity and wholeheartedly supported the initiative to establish a multiracial category on the 2000 Census ..."
- Mavin: The articular journal of the mixed-race experience
1999 May 27
"... is a quarterly print journal dedicated to the celebration of the mixed race experience in America ..."
