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Polly Wanna Cracka? -- The Internet resource for interracial relationships
publications & periodicals

NatSays 2003 Jan 12
"Meet the characters: Mom is French. She lives to make people happy. Dad is Japanese. He helps people live meaningfully. Nat, she sees things through simple eyes, and has something to say. ... A lot of people don't always fit in. hey suffer. And since they are an exraordinary bunch, they deserve a little penguin story."

The Gods Laughed 2002 Nov 12
"Few books have examined issues of race, age and other 'isms' as closely and from such a personal viewpoint as The Gods Laughed. Monica is a lovely and brilliant young black woman from Philadelphia, just starting out in a new career and ready to take on the world. Paul, a white man forty years her senior, has just retired after a lifetime as a hardnosed New York newspaper editor. This unlikely pair find themselves to be the only two survivors of a terrible plane crash, and stranded on a remote island. Monica and Paul are forced to come together in order to survive.

Mixed Race Magazine 2002 Feb 14
"This magazine was created to provide assistance and insight for interracial couples. The increasingly-popular Balance Everything is specifically targeted at issues facing interracial couples."

Citizens Against Racism and Fascism 2001 Dec 31
"... is Britain's only independent anti-racist magazine, documenting resistance against racism -- from black and refugee organisations, monitoring groups, anti-deportation campaigns, football fans, and much more. The articles available on this website are just a small sample of what's in the CARF magazine, which is published bimonthly in the UK."

Standards: The International Journal of Multicultural Studies 1999 Oct 29

Interracial Voice 1999 May 27
"... is published every other month as an independent, information-oriented, networking newsjournal, serving the mixed-race/interracial community in cyberspace. This electronic publication advocates universal recognition of mixed-race individuals as constituting a separate 'racial' entity and wholeheartedly supported the initiative to establish a multiracial category on the 2000 Census ..."

Mavin: The articular journal of the mixed-race experience 1999 May 27
"... is a quarterly print journal dedicated to the celebration of the mixed race experience in America ..."

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Last updated 2025 Jan 03
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